doi: 10.1093/database/baw118

In the above manuscript, the caption for Figure 2 should read as follows:

Figure 2 : Comparison of approaches towards heterogeneous and domain specific biomedical and scientific images. This figure highlights different approaches, which have been discussed in this manuscript, towards the heterogeneous ( Integrating image data into biomedical text; Automatic segmentation of subfigure image panels for multimodal biomedical document retrieval; Parsing multi-panel collaged figures method for document image understanding; Analysing axis diagrams with nominal and discrete dimensions; Automatic categorization and spatial distribution analysis of biomedical images; Yale Image Finder ) and domain specific ( Framework for the analysis and segmentation of protein-protein interactions images; Management-based image processing solutions for microscopy data; Ontology based information retrieval using low-level feature extraction; Mining images for the detection and analysis of gel diagrams; Bioimaging for complex networks and pathways analysis; Analysing embedded structural properties of four different classes of biomedical figures ) biomedical and scientific images.

This has now been corrected online, and the publisher apologizes for the error.